What to Expect
General Screening
This is the first stage where you will sign a general consent form before any tests or procedures being performed. At this visit, you will be asked a number of questions regarding your medical history and medication use. A physical examination as well as laboratory and/or diagnostic tests may be performed These tests will determine your general state of health, which will help us determine which studies you may qualify for. You will be able to ask the study staff and study doctor any questions or concerns you may have before signing the consent form.
In this stage, you will sign the study specific consent form, which will contain details and explanation for the study you have been eligible for participation. The study staff will review your inclusion and exclusion criteria with you. You may have similar tests that of the general screening visit. The screening visit must be performed within a specific period. There may be other examinations and tests such as diagnostic or laboratory tests at this visit that were not previously done. You will be able to ask the study staff and study doctor any questions or concerns you may have before signing the consent form.
If you did not previously complete a general screening visit, the screening visit will be your first stage of a study.
If you are invited for this visit, you may be deemed eligible for a study. At this visit, you will check into the research facility according to the study schedule. Additional procedures and or tests may be performed to ensure you are still meeting the study requirements.
Some studies have multiple periods where you will repeat the same procedures and tests in each of the study periods. This is described in the study specific consent form.
At this stage, you will be assigned to receive the study drug/s or placebo. Procedures and tests may be performed before dosing to ensure you still meet the study requirements. After dosing, procedures and tests will also be performed, and your wellbeing will be monitored.
During your in-house period, standard meals and snacks will be provided. Some studies may have specific dietary or meal requirements. The study staff will inform you of this during the informed consent process.
Free WIFI is available throughout the research facility. You may bring your personal laptops, tablets or mobile phone to keep in touch with family and friends during your in-house period. During free time, you may read books, watch television or play board games.
Discharge or End of Study
This is either your last visit in a study period or your end of study visit, and your participation in the study will end. You will undergo study procedures, physical examination and laboratory tests according to study requirements. If you are to return for another study period, the study staff will inform you when to return for the next admission.